Then, within the constructor of that class, we can set our layout manager and add elements to our application. In that way, our program has access to all of the features of the topmost container in Java Swing, and we can use it just like any other component in the GUI. One of the easiest ways to build a program using Java Swing is to simply inherit from the JFrameĬlass. That is left as an activity for later, but the example project in this chapter will show some of the imports required. Of course, when using these libraries in our project code, we’ll want to import each class individually in order to satisfy the requirements of the Google Style Guide
We also include the package to handle events such as button clicks.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, Java Swing reuses many components from AWT, such as the DimensionĬlass that is used to control the size and position of windows.
The java.awt package includes all of the classes related to the older Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) in Java, and the java.swing package includes all newer Java Swing packages. Import java.awt.* import .* import javax.swing.*